Bananas are not only a delicious and nutritious fruit, but also an excellent choice for snacks, smoothies, or desserts.

However, one of the main issues faced by banana lovers is their rapid ripening and browning.

So, how can you keep your bananas fresh for as long as possible? Here are some simple yet effective ways to extend their shelf life.

1. Separate the bananas

If you notice that one banana in a bunch is ripening faster than the others, you’ve already encountered this issue. To slow down the ripening process, simply separate the bananas from each other. This will help prevent the redistribution of ethylene—a gas that accelerates ripening.

2. Store in the refrigerator

Once bananas reach the desired ripeness, it’s a good idea to place them in the refrigerator. Although the skin may darken, the flesh will remain fresh and tasty. Low temperatures slow down the ripening process, extending the shelf life of the bananas.

3. Use a banana holder

Hanging bananas on a special holder is not only a stylish but also a practical way to prolong their freshness. The bananas do not come into contact with surfaces, which helps prevent bruising and damage, and also slows down their ripening.

4. Choose the right storage location

If you prefer not to store bananas in the refrigerator, select a dark, cool, and well-ventilated place for them. Avoid direct sunlight and heat sources such as the stove or desk lamp. These factors can accelerate the ripening process.

5. Wrap the banana stems in plastic wrap

Another simple and effective method is to wrap the stems of the bananas in plastic wrap. This helps reduce ethylene emissions and slows down their ripening, extending the freshness of the fruit.

6. Buy bananas at different ripeness levels

To always have fresh bananas on hand, purchase fruits at varying degrees of ripeness. While some are ripening, others can be stored in the refrigerator. This way, you'll always have bananas that are perfect for consumption.