Many Ukrainians still make basic mistakes when paying utility bills, which causes their money not to reach the supplier, resulting in debt accumulating on their account.

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What to do if a consumer did not specify their account number when paying for gas distribution services was explained on the "Zhytomyr branch of Gas Network" page on Facebook.

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First and foremost, Ukrainians are urged to be vigilant and check all information when paying utility bills.

"When paying for gas distribution services, it is essential to provide your details. Very often, consumers fail to include their account number, which leads to the payment being lost, while debt accumulates in their personal accounts in the meantime. Locating the consumer and matching the payment with the account takes a lot of time and effort," the publication noted.

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If the money has indeed gone "nowhere," Ukrainians should do the following:

  • write a statement for the crediting of the paid funds to the account (sample statement below);
  • attach a copy of the payment receipt, a copy of your passport, and identification code;
  • send the statement to the email of the Gas Network branch where you reside, or hand the documents to a personal manager at the nearest customer service center.

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"So, we emphasize that for the funds to be credited correctly, when making a payment, please specify your full name, address, and account number," the company reminded.

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