According to the updated order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine No. 262 dated April 27, 2024, hemorrhoids are no longer grounds for exemption from mobilization. This document outlines new rules under which men with venous conditions of the rectum may be deemed fit for military service.
More details are provided by "Telegraph". Previously, men with this condition were classified as "limited fit," but as of May 4, 2024, this status has been revoked.
Now the decision is based on the form and severity of the condition:
It is important to note that Law No. 3621-IX, which came into effect on May 4, 2024, canceled the "limited fit" status and established new criteria for assessing fitness for military service. The document also set a 9-month deadline for undergoing a repeat medical examination for those affected.
Thus, "limited fit" men must complete the military medical commission by February 5, 2025.
Following the adoption of these changes, the following statuses are currently applicable:
Previously, "Telegraph" reported who will not have to undergo the military medical commission in 2025. Some men with deferrals cannot be sent for a medical examination.