In 2025, some Ukrainians will be eligible for financial assistance through the "Child is Not Alone" program. The amount of support ranges from 6,000 to 11,000 hryvnias. The eligibility criteria and conditions for receiving these payments were explained on the "Diya" portal.

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The support program is aimed at families who are temporarily caring for children until they receive the status of an orphan or a child deprived of parental care.

Украинцы с ребенком, фото: Знай.ua

This is a crucial step, as such families often did not receive assistance in the past. Additionally, the program helps prevent situations where children were sent to institutional care due to financial hardships.

The amount of assistance depends on the child's age and disability status:

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  • for children under 6 years old — 6,407.5 hryvnias or 8,970.5 hryvnias for children with disabilities;
  • for children aged 6 to 18 years — 7,990 hryvnias or 11,186 hryvnias for children with disabilities.

Выплаты на детей, фото: Знай.ua

To receive financial support, the guardian must submit an application through social protection agencies, the CNAP, or the executive committee of the local community. It is also essential that the family resides within the territory of Ukraine.

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