Wednesday15 January 2025

If you have this surname, your ancestors were wealthy! Check the list to see if it's there.

There are dozens of such ancestral names.
Если у вас такая фамилия, ваши предки могли быть богатыми. Узнайте это, проверив в нашем списке!

In the extensive list of Ukrainian surnames, there are those that our ancestors reserved exclusively for individuals of considerable wealth. These family names highlighted their status within society.

Linguist Yuri Redko elaborated on this in his work "Modern Ukrainian Surnames." Interestingly, not every one of these family names immediately conveys a connection to wealth.

Currently, there are several dozen such surnames. Some of them remain quite common.

Which surnames were given to wealthy individuals:

  • Bohač (Bahač). From this name, surnames like Bohačević, Bohačevsky, Bohatčuk, Bohatyrsky, Bahatsky, and Bohačyshyn have emerged. The most common surname Bahač was prevalent in the Lviv, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.
  • Duka — a synonym for the word "rich." From this, the surname Duchenko was formed.
  • Dydych. This was the term used for a wealthy person who owned an entire village. This surname is most common in the Kyiv, Lviv, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.
  • Skorobohaty or Skorobohatsky – these names referred to individuals who could quickly become wealthy.
  • Karmazin. According to the linguist, this surname originates from the name of expensive foreign cloth, likely English. It was owned exclusively by the wealthy. Additionally, Karamazins were also referred to as rich Cossack elders.
  • Falen dysh – another surname associated with cloth ownership. Translated from German, it means "the best London cloth," which was also previously owned only by affluent individuals.
  • Znaty – this surname was acquired by members of the nobility.
  • Shlyakhetka and Shlyakhtych — derived from earlier nicknames that became surnames.
  • Mostypan and Masty pan. The nobility was referred to as "his grace sir," which in Polish was "miscipan, mospan." Initially, these were nicknames that later also became surnames.
  • Panych, Panchyk, Panik, Panonko, Panochko, Pantsi, Paniv – these surnames, which originated from the word "pan," indicated status and wealth.

As a reminder, previously "Telegraph" reported on which Ukrainian surnames are considered the most unique.