Wednesday05 February 2025

There are no "blizzards" in Ukraine. How can this be expressed correctly in Ukrainian?

Learn Ukrainian with "Telegraph"!
В Україні немає "вьюг". Як правильно це сказати українською?

Winter continues in Ukraine, albeit a mild one, but adverse weather can be expected at any moment. Many people transitioning to the Ukrainian language still use Russian words, including "вьюга".

"Telegraph" will explain how to say this word in Ukrainian, as well as its meaning.

The Russian word "вьюга" has several equivalents in the Ukrainian language. The Russian-Ukrainian academic dictionary describes it as: "хуртовина", "заметіль", "віхола", "завірюха", "метелиця", "хуга", "сніговий".

The most common variants and their usage:

  • Хуртовина — the most widely used term indicating a strong wind with snow. Example: "Due to the severe хуртовина, visibility on the roads was almost zero."
  • Заметіль — a strong wind with snow that creates snowdrifts. Example: "The заметіль piled huge snowdrifts by the house."
  • Віхола — a powerful wind swirling with snow. Example: "A fierce віхола raged outside; it’s better to stay home."
  • Завірюха — a strong swirling wind with snow. Example: "A real завірюха started in the mountains."
  • Метелиця — a lighter version of bad weather, often used in folk art. Example: "A white метелиця swirled outside the window."

In conversational language, "хуртовина" and "заметіль" are used, while "віхола" and "хуга" are more characteristic of literary works and poetry.

In conversational language, they tried "метель" and "метель," while "вехола" and "хуга" are more typical for literary works and poetry.

So, what is better to use in a specific situation? It all depends on the context. For weather forecasts: хуртовина. For literary texts: віхол, завірюха. For folk songs: метелиця. For poetry: any variant depending on the rhythm and mood of the verse.

Previously, "Telegraph" explained how to say the winter bird "снегирь" in Ukrainian.