Thursday26 December 2024

Odessa blogger with over 1.5 million followers promotes Russian propaganda: details of the scandal (photos and videos).

He hails from occupied Luhansk, but for some reason, he chose not to live under Russian control.
Одесский блогер с аудиторией свыше 1,5 миллиона продвигает российскую пропаганду: все детали скандала (фото и видео)

Blogger Max Rudada, who resides in Odessa, openly promotes Russian narratives and mocks Ukrainians. He maintains profiles on the banned Russian social network VKontakte, Instagram, and a YouTube channel where he has 1.69 million subscribers.

Ukrainian activist, public figure, blogger, and volunteer Demyan Hanul reported about him on his Facebook page. Rudada hails from the Russian-occupied Luhansk, yet for some reason, he chose not to live there when Russia took over and moved to Odessa instead.

Moreover, as evidenced by photos on Rudada's page, he has traveled to Moscow at least twice since the occupation of Luhansk by Russia. He also lives on Russian time because it suits him better.

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"A typical latent separatist who, for some reason, is still in Ukraine. He dislikes Ukrainian laws and is against the Ukrainian language. Additionally, this 'blogger' tries to promote the idea that there is no freedom of speech in Ukraine. All straight from the Russian playbook", — writes Hanul.

On his YouTube channel, Rudada stated that he is a "simple guy." His Instagram indicates that he "creates social experiments."

As reported by "Telegraph," during the filming of the 13th season of the romantic reality show "The Bachelor," a language scandal occurred. After the first party, participant Yulia Shkurley left the project, revealing that a controversial moment regarding the language issue was cut from the show.