Today, December 12th, marks the Day of the Ground Forces of Ukraine, a special holiday honoring those who defend our nation. It is an occasion to express gratitude to the military personnel, veterans, and all those involved in the diverse branches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
In 2024, this holiday carries even more significance as Ukraine continues its fight for independence and territorial integrity. Our Ground Forces showcase an indomitable spirit and strength in the face of modern challenges.
The Day of the Ground Forces was established by a decree from the President of Ukraine in 1997. The date was chosen purposefully: on December 12, 1917, the General Secretariat of the Central Rada made the decision to create regular Ukrainian military formations.
The Ground Forces are the backbone of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, playing a crucial role in safeguarding our country. Their responsibilities include defense, assisting civilians, and more. Let us remember that thanks to them, we can feel safe and wake up in warm beds every morning.
It is essential to thank all military personnel, but on this day, we should specifically congratulate those who serve in the Ground Forces. To help with this, "Telegraph" has gathered beautiful postcards for you to send to acquaintances, friends, and colleagues who are currently defending our nation and to express your gratitude.
1 2 3 4 5Previously, "Telegraph" shared information about the church holiday on December 12. On this day, there are prohibitions to observe if you wish to avoid poverty.